联系人:胡先名 先生 (经理) |
电 话:0755-61548191 |
手 机:17688782552 |
供应7串25.9V锂电池保护板_RS232通讯智能保护板 |
7串锂电动力电池保护板,本产品严格满足ROHS规范等。This specification applies to the 7 serial-cells lithium manganese battery protection board manufactured by Shen Zhen SuperPower technology CO.,LTD, which strictly conforms to the ROHS standard.
锂离子、聚合物锂电池等可充电锂电池包。Applies to the rechargeable Lithium battery packs and so on.
三、电气参数Electrical Characteristic (Ta = 25 ℃.)
Details详细项目 Min. Typ. Max Error Unit
Battery Gas电池类型 3.7V锂电池
Battery Link电池组组合方式 7S
Loop capability回路性能
Input Charging Voltage 充电电压 29.4±1%V
Input Charging Current 充电电流 <20 A
Output Discharging Voltage放电电压 25.9 V
Continuous Output Discharging Current(可持续工作电流) ≤20 A
Ambient Condition
Protection Parameters (for Individual Cell).保护参数(对于每节电芯)
Over-Charge Voltage Protection (OVP) 过充保护电压 4.25 ±25mV V
Over-Charge Voltage Protection Release (OVPR)过充恢复电压 4.19 ±50mV V
Over-Discharge Voltage Protection (UVP)过放保护电压 2.80 ±80mV V
Over-Discharge Voltage Protection Release (UVPR)过放恢复电压 2.80─3.00 ±100mV V
Over-Current Discharge Protection (OCDP)放电过流保护 50─65 ---- A
Over-Current Protection Delay Time (OCPDT)过流保护延时 20 ±5 mS
Short circuit current protection delay time短路保护延时 200 600 ±100 uSDischarging Temperature放电保护温度 ---- ----
Discharging Temperature Protection Release放电保护恢复温度 ---- ----
charging Temperature充电保护温度 ---- ---
charging Temperature Protection Release充电保护恢复温度 ---- ----
Cell balance均衡
Bleed StartPoint均衡开启电压 4.20 ±25mV V
Bleed Current均衡电流 61 ±10 mA
Balance Mode均衡方式 充电均衡
Idle mode静态模式 ≤100 uA
Main loop electrify resistance主回路通态电阻MOS-RDS ≤25 mΩ
PCBA Size装配结构尺寸 160(±1.0)×75(±1.0)×<20 mm
适用于Apply to :
电动自行车/滑板 |